Employing the Kingdom



    Platinum Package

    Gold Package

    Silver Package

    Bishop J. Drew Sheard IG (30K)

    Catheral Screens on Sunday (1.5K)

    Website Ad

    1st Lady Karen Clark Sheard FB & IG (1.6M)

    Lobby Screens (1K)

    GEI App Ad

    GEI Facebook (3,900)

    Website Ad

    Cathedral Screens on Sunday (1.5K)

    YouTube Live Stream Ad (6K)

    GEI App Ad

    Total Reach: 1500 Viewers

    Cathedral Screens on Sunday(1.5K)

    Total Reach: 3000 Viewers

    Lobby Screens (1K)

    E-Directory Listing on Website

    Website Banner

    GEI App Ad

    Bullentin Ad

    Total Reach: 331,000-1M Viewers

    All payments must be paid two weeks prior to the 1st of each month.