Dr. Dorinda Clark Cole
Elder William Adams
Elder Stephen Jones
Elder DeVaughn Kelly
Elder Carl Ross

Bishop’s Appreciation Committee: Mo. Mildred Palmer, Overseer

First Lady’s Appreciation Committee: Dr. Dorinda Clark Cole, Overseer

Business Showcase Ministry: Supt. William Adams, Overseer

Care, Prayer, Response (CPR) Ministry

 Care and Response Comforters (Nursing Home, Sick and Shut-In, Bereavement)

Care and Response Prayer (Intercessory Prayer and Prayer Counselors)

CEB – Charles Edward Blake Initiatives Ministry: Elder Carl Ross, Coordinator

Senior Connect

Crime Prevention

Financial Literacy

Mentorship Program



Christian Education Department: Evg. Rochelle Lampkin, Overseer

 Spiritual Direction Ministry

Creative Arts Ministry: Dr. Dorinda Clark Cole, Overseer

Drama Ministry 

Dance Ministry

Poetic Flow Ministry

Deacon’s Board : Supt. William Adams, Overseer

Deaconess Board: Evg. Mildred Palmer, Overseer

First Impressions: Mo. Mildred Palmer, Overseer

Greeter’s Ministry

Guest Services Ministry

Vital Link Ministry

Usher Board

GEI Pastoral Care Ministry-Healing of the Nations: Sis. Timiko Drew, Coordinator

Media and Production: Supt. William Adams, Overseer

Annoucement Committee

Men’s Ministry: Supt. William Adams, Overseer

Sanctified Men in Black

Men’s Society (GEMS)

Married Couples Ministry (Connected in Christ): Mo. Mildred Palmer, Overseer

M.O.G.U.L. (Ministerial Operations Genuinely United in Labor): Mo. Mildred Palmer, Overseer

Ministerial Adjutants

Pastor’s Aide

Nurses’ Guild

St. Luke’s Ministry (An Arm of the Nurses’ Guild)

Mother’s Board Ministry: Mo. Mildred Palmer, Overseer

Mother’s Board Aides (Women of Wisdom)

Music Department: Dr. Dorinda Clark Cole, Overseer

Outreach Ministry: Dr. Dorinda Clark Cole, Overseer



GEI Connect

Politicial Action Ministry: Supt. William Adams, Overseer

Single’s Ministry: Supt. William Adams, Overseer

Single Parent’s Ministry

Security Staff: Supt. William Adams, Overseer

Greater Watch 

Women’s Ministry: Evg. Rochelle Lampkin, Overseer

Holy Women in Red



Daughters Empowered to Overcome

GEI Young And Free: Evg. Rochelle Lampkins, Overseer

Sunshine Band



Y.E.S. (Young Excited and Saved) Club


Y.L.E. (Young Ladies of Excellence)

L.O.E. (Ladies of Excellence)

Y.M.V.(Young Men of Valor)

Disciple Land